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Travel Services

Contact your local pharmacy to find out if these services are available.

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Traveling is for everyone
Whether you are hoping to prevent discomfort during your trip, or have a chronic condition that requires medication, your pharmacist has many services that can help. Advise your pharmacist of your travel plans as early as possible to fully benefit from personalized advice. 

Medication Adjustment for Time Zones

If you are crossing multiple time zones and need to take your medication at a specific time, your pharmacist can make the necessary adjustments to ensure your treatment is uninterrupted.

Over-the-Counter Medication Recommendation

Some products are useful to have on hand abroad. From heartburn, allergies or headaches, make sure you have what you need to treat minor health issues.

Medication Renewals

You should have enough medication for the duration of your trip, and a bit more just in case of delays. Renew your prescriptions before departure to ensure you don't run out.

*certain conditions apply

Medication Prescriptions for Travelers

Your pharmacist can prescribe medication against Traveler’s Diarrhea, Malaria and Altitude Sickness depending on your needs and destination.

Prescription List & Review for Customs

Get a list of all your medication to clear customs easily and a medication review to ensure all your medications are up to date and safe. 

Advice for Travelers with Specific Needs

Travelling while pregnant or with a chronic condition can be intimidating. Ask your pharmacist to recommend which medication and supplies to bring along. 

Personalized Travel Kit

Questions on mosquito repellent, sunscreen or rehydration solution? Your pharmacist can help you pick the best products for your personalized travel kit.
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